Rachmaninoff. Не Может Быть! / Ne Mozhet Byt’! / This Cannot Be! Op 34 No.7
Lower Key
Diction score - sheet music with IPA phonetics, word-by-word and grammatically correct translations
All our scores are TRANSPOSABLE. If you need a different key, please send us a request by email: info@russian4singers.com
You can watch the free video diction guide at the Russian for Singers YouTube Channel - coming soon
A quick and comprehensive tutorial on Russian phonetics: https://www.russian4singers.com/russian-diction-for-singers-1
Here you can find recordings of this song by:
Vera Nebol'sina (Soprano)
Yury Gulyaev (Baritone)
S.Rachmaninoff "This Cannot Be!" Op.37 N4 Lower key - DICTION SCORE